
GoCardless Integration Guide

GoCardless allows you to collect Direct Debit payments from Eurozone for recurring or one-time payments. Learn more about GoCardless

Integration requirements

The first thing that you have to do is to create an Octobat account. Then, you have to own a GoCardless account either in sandbox mode or in live mode. To ensure that all your invoices are correctly generated, you must follow the way of this guide to make GoCardless API calls.

Connect your Octobat and GoCardless accounts

During your registration, you will be able to connect your GoCardless sandbox account and your GoCardless live account.


The best way for testing the GoCardless integration with Octobat is to connect a GoCardless sandbox account, test (make API calls or create some objects within your GoCardless dashboard) and look what is happening on Octobat.

GoCardless API calls

This Octobat integration is based on the GoCardless API. Octobat uses some GoCardless basic fields to generate compliant invoices and calculate right taxes. But all these fields are not sufficients, so Octobat uses metadata fields.


Install the gem 'gocardless_pro'

gem install gocardless_pro

More about this gem

Create a customer

In the case of a B2C customer:

require 'gocardless_pro'

@client = GoCardlessPro::Client.new(
  access_token: "your_access_token",
  environment: :sandbox

  params: {
    email: "john@doe.com",
    given_name: "John",
    family_name: "Doe",
    address_line1: "151 rue Montmartre",
    city: "Paris",
    postal_code: "75002",
    region: "",
    country_code: "FR",
    :metadata => {
      :business_type => "B2C"

In the case of a B2B customer:

require 'gocardless_pro'

@client = GoCardlessPro::Client.new(
  access_token: "your_access_token",
  environment: :sandbox

  params: {
    email: "contact@flatchr.io",
    company_name: "Flatchr",
    address_line1: "18 bis rue de Chartres",
    city: "Neuilly sur seine",
    postal_code: "92200",
    region: "",
    country_code: "FR",
    :metadata => {
      :business_type => "B2B",
      :tax_number => "FR13803289560"

Create a payment

require 'gocardless_pro'

@client = GoCardlessPro::Client.new(
  access_token: "your_access_token",
  environment: :sandbox

  params: {
    amount: 1000,
    currency: "EUR",
    charge_date: "2016-11-28",
    description: "One-time charge",
    links: {
      mandate: "MD123"
    :metadata => {
      :notes => "Notes that will be display on the bottom of the invoice.",
      :product_type => "eservice"

Create a refund

require 'gocardless_pro'

@client = GoCardlessPro::Client.new(
  access_token: "your_access_token",
  environment: :sandbox

  params: {
    amount: 100,
    total_amount_confirmation: 100
    links: {
      payment: "PM123"
    :metadata => {
      :reason => "Late delivery.",
      :notes => "Notes that will be display on the bottom of the invoice.",
      :product_type => "eservice"

Create a subscription

require 'gocardless_pro'

@client = GoCardlessPro::Client.new(
  access_token: "your_access_token",
  environment: :sandbox

  params: {
    amount: 2500,
    currency: "EUR",
    name: "Monthly streaming videos plan",
    interval_unit: "monthly",
    day_of_month: 1,
    links: {
      mandate: "MD123"
    :metadata => {
      :notes => "This is notes which will display on the bottom of the invoice.",
      :product_type => "eservice"

Possible metadata fields values

Field Name

Field Values

Default Value

product type

eservice, standard or ebook


take the configuration of your Octobat account


B2C or B2B


B2C and B2B if vat number is filled

Last updated